
/api/card endpoints.

Delete the publicly-accessible link to this Card.


  • card-id value must be an integer greater than zero.

DELETE /api/card/:id

Hard delete a Card. To soft delete, use PUT /api/card/:id.


  • id value must be an integer greater than zero.

GET /api/card/

Get all the Cards. Option filter param f can be used to change the set of Cards that are returned; default is all, but other options include mine, bookmarked, database, table, using_model, using_metric, using_segment, and archived. See corresponding implementation functions above for the specific behavior of each filter option. :card_index.


  • f nullable enum of archived, table, using_model, bookmarked, using_segment, all, mine, using_metric, database.

  • model_id nullable value must be an integer greater than zero.

GET /api/card/:card-id/params/:param-key/search/:query

Fetch possible values of the parameter whose ID is :param-key that contain :query.

;; fetch values for Card 1 parameter 'abc' that contain 'Orange';
 GET /api/card/1/params/abc/search/Orange

Currently limited to first 1000 results.


  • card-id value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • param-key value must be a non-blank string.

  • query value must be a non-blank string.

GET /api/card/:card-id/params/:param-key/values

Fetch possible values of the parameter whose ID is :param-key.

;; fetch values for Card 1 parameter 'abc' that are possible
GET /api/card/1/params/abc/values.


  • card-id value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • param-key value must be a non-blank string.

GET /api/card/:id

Get Card with ID.


  • id value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • ignore_view nullable boolean.

GET /api/card/:id/query_metadata

Get all of the required query metadata for a card.


  • id value must be an integer greater than zero.

GET /api/card/:id/related

Return related entities.


  • id value must be an integer greater than zero.

GET /api/card/:id/series

Fetches a list of comptatible series with the card with id card_id.

  • last_cursor with value is the id of the last card from the previous page to fetch the next page.
  • query to search card by name.
  • exclude_ids to filter out a list of card ids.


  • id integer.

  • last_cursor nullable value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • query nullable value must be a non-blank string.

  • exclude_ids nullable function.

GET /api/card/:id/timelines

Get the timelines for card with ID. Looks up the collection the card is in and uses that.


  • id value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • include nullable must equal events.

  • start nullable value must be a valid date string.

  • end nullable value must be a valid date string.

GET /api/card/embeddable

Fetch a list of Cards where enable_embedding is true. The cards can be embedded using the embedding endpoints and a signed JWT.

GET /api/card/public

Fetch a list of Cards with public UUIDs. These cards are publicly-accessible if public sharing is enabled.

POST /api/card/

Create a new Card. A card can be of type question, model, or metric.


  • visualization_settings Value must be a map.

  • parameters nullable sequence of parameter must be a map with :id and :type keys.

  • description nullable value must be a non-blank string.

  • collection_position nullable value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • result_metadata nullable :metabase.analyze.query-results/ResultsMetadata.

  • collection_id nullable value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • name value must be a non-blank string.

  • type nullable :metabase.api.card/card-type.

  • cache_ttl nullable value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • dataset_query Value must be a map.

  • parameter_mappings nullable sequence of parameter_mapping must be a map with :parameter_id and :target keys.

  • display value must be a non-blank string.

POST /api/card/:card-id/persist

Mark the model (card) as persisted. Runs the query and saves it to the database backing the card and hot swaps this query in place of the model’s query.


  • card-id value must be an integer greater than zero.

POST /api/card/:card-id/public_link

Generate publicly-accessible links for this Card. Returns UUID to be used in public links. (If this Card has already been shared, it will return the existing public link rather than creating a new one.) Public sharing must be enabled.


  • card-id value must be an integer greater than zero.

POST /api/card/:card-id/query

Run the query associated with a Card.


  • card-id value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • parameters

  • ignore_cache nullable boolean.

  • dashboard_id nullable value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • collection_preview nullable boolean.

POST /api/card/:card-id/query/:export-format

Run the query associated with a Card, and return its results as a file in the specified format.

parameters should be passed as query parameter encoded as a serialized JSON string (this is because this endpoint is normally used to power ‘Download Results’ buttons that use HTML form actions).


  • card-id value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • export-format enum of csv, api, xlsx, json.

  • parameters nullable value must be a valid JSON string.

  • format_rows nullable boolean.

POST /api/card/:card-id/refresh

Refresh the persisted model caching card-id.


  • card-id value must be an integer greater than zero.

POST /api/card/:card-id/unpersist

Unpersist this model. Deletes the persisted table backing the model and all queries after this will use the card’s query rather than the saved version of the query.


  • card-id value must be an integer greater than zero.

POST /api/card/:id/copy

Copy a Card, with the new name ‘Copy of name’.


  • id nullable value must be an integer greater than zero.

POST /api/card/collections

Bulk update endpoint for Card Collections. Move a set of Cards with card_ids into a Collection with collection_id, or remove them from any Collections by passing a null collection_id.


  • card_ids sequence of value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • collection_id nullable value must be an integer greater than zero.

POST /api/card/from-csv

Create a table and model populated with the values from the attached CSV. Returns the model ID if successful.


  • raw-params

POST /api/card/pivot/:card-id/query

Run the query associated with a Card.


  • card-id value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • parameters

  • ignore_cache nullable boolean.

POST /api/card/related

Return related entities for an ad-hoc query.


  • query

PUT /api/card/:id

Update a Card.


  • collection_preview nullable boolean.

  • visualization_settings nullable Value must be a map.

  • parameters nullable sequence of parameter must be a map with :id and :type keys.

  • description nullable string.

  • archived nullable boolean.

  • collection_position nullable value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • result_metadata nullable :metabase.analyze.query-results/ResultsMetadata.

  • enable_embedding nullable boolean.

  • collection_id nullable value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • card-updates

  • name nullable value must be a non-blank string.

  • type nullable :metabase.api.card/card-type.

  • embedding_params nullable value must be a valid embedding params map.

  • cache_ttl nullable value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • dataset_query nullable Value must be a map.

  • id value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • display nullable value must be a non-blank string.

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