
/api/permissions endpoints.

DELETE /api/permissions/group/:group-id

Delete a specific PermissionsGroup.


  • group-id value must be an integer greater than zero.

DELETE /api/permissions/membership/:id

Remove a User from a PermissionsGroup (delete their membership).


  • id value must be an integer greater than zero.

GET /api/permissions/graph

Fetch a graph of all Permissions.

You must be a superuser to do this.

GET /api/permissions/graph/db/:db-id

Fetch a graph of all Permissions for db-id db-id.

You must be a superuser to do this.


  • db-id value must be an integer greater than zero.

GET /api/permissions/graph/group/:group-id

Fetch a graph of all Permissions for group-id group-id.

You must be a superuser to do this.


  • group-id value must be an integer greater than zero.

GET /api/permissions/group

Fetch all PermissionsGroups, including a count of the number of :members in that group. This API requires superuser or group manager of more than one group. Group manager is only available if advanced-permissions is enabled and returns only groups that user is manager of.

GET /api/permissions/group/:id

Fetch the details for a certain permissions group.


  • id value must be an integer greater than zero.

GET /api/permissions/membership

Fetch a map describing the group memberships of various users. This map’s format is:

{<user-id> [{:membership_id    <id>
             :group_id         <id>
             :is_group_manager boolean}]}.

POST /api/permissions/group

Create a new PermissionsGroup.

You must be a superuser to do this.


  • name value must be a non-blank string.

POST /api/permissions/membership

Add a User to a PermissionsGroup. Returns updated list of members belonging to the group.


  • group_id value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • user_id value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • is_group_manager nullable boolean.

PUT /api/permissions/graph

Do a batch update of Permissions by passing in a modified graph. This should return the same graph, in the same format, that you got from GET /api/permissions/graph, with any changes made in the wherever necessary. This modified graph must correspond to the PermissionsGraph schema. If successful, this endpoint returns the updated permissions graph; use this as a base for any further modifications.

Revisions to the permissions graph are tracked. If you fetch the permissions graph and some other third-party modifies it before you can submit you revisions, the endpoint will instead make no changes and return a 409 (Conflict) response. In this case, you should fetch the updated graph and make desired changes to that.

The optional sandboxes key contains a list of sandboxes that should be created or modified in conjunction with this permissions graph update. Since data sandboxing is an Enterprise Edition-only feature, a 402 (Payment Required) response will be returned if this key is present and the server is not running the Enterprise Edition, and/or the :sandboxes feature flag is not present.

If the skip-graph query param is truthy, then the graph will not be returned.

You must be a superuser to do this.


  • skip-graph nullable value must be a valid boolean string (‘true’ or ‘false’).

  • force nullable value must be a valid boolean string (‘true’ or ‘false’).

  • body map.

PUT /api/permissions/group/:group-id

Update the name of a PermissionsGroup.


  • group-id value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • name value must be a non-blank string.

PUT /api/permissions/membership/:group-id/clear

Remove all members from a PermissionsGroup. Returns a 400 (Bad Request) if the group ID is for the admin group.


  • group-id value must be an integer greater than zero.

PUT /api/permissions/membership/:id

Update a Permission Group membership. Returns the updated record.


  • id value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • is_group_manager boolean.

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