These are the docs for the Metabase master branch. Some features documented here may not yet be available in the latest release. Check out the docs for the latest version, Metabase v0.50.


/api/user endpoints.

DELETE /api/user/:id

Disable a User. This does not remove the User from the DB, but instead disables their account.

You must be a superuser to do this.


  • id value must be an integer greater than zero.

GET /api/user/

Fetch a list of Users for admins or group managers. By default returns only active users for admins and only active users within groups that the group manager is managing for group managers.

  • If status is deactivated, include deactivated users only.
  • If status is all, include all users (active and inactive).
  • Also supports include_deactivated, which if true, is equivalent to status=all; If is false, is equivalent to status=active. status and include_deactivated requires superuser permissions.
  • include_deactivated is a legacy alias for status and will be removed in a future release, users are advised to use status for better support and flexibility. If both params are passed, status takes precedence.

For users with segmented permissions, return only themselves.

Takes limit, offset for pagination. Takes query for filtering on first name, last name, email. Also takes group_id, which filters on group id.


  • status nullable string.

  • query nullable string.

  • group_id nullable value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • include_deactivated nullable value must be a valid boolean string (‘true’ or ‘false’).

GET /api/user/:id

Fetch a User. You must be fetching yourself or be a superuser or a Group Manager.


  • id value must be an integer greater than zero.

GET /api/user/current

Fetch the current User.

GET /api/user/recipients

Fetch a list of Users. Returns only active users. Meant for non-admins unlike GET /api/user.

  • If user-visibility is :all or the user is an admin, include all users.
  • If user-visibility is :group, include only users in the same group (excluding the all users group).
  • If user-visibility is :none or the user is sandboxed, include only themselves.

POST /api/user/

Create a new User, return a 400 if the email address is already taken.

You must be a superuser to do this.


  • first_name nullable value must be a non-blank string.

  • last_name nullable value must be a non-blank string.

  • email value must be a valid email address.

  • user_group_memberships nullable sequence of map where {:id -> , :is_group_manager (optional) -> }.

  • login_attributes nullable login attribute keys must be a keyword or string.

POST /api/user/:id/send_invite

Resend the user invite email for a given user.

You must be a superuser to do this.


  • id value must be an integer greater than zero.

PUT /api/user/:id

Update an existing, active User. Self or superusers can update user info and groups. Group Managers can only add/remove users from groups they are manager of.


  • email nullable value must be a valid email address.

  • first_name nullable value must be a non-blank string.

  • is_group_manager nullable boolean.

  • locale nullable String must be a valid two-letter ISO language or language-country code e.g. en or en_US.

  • user_group_memberships nullable sequence of map where {:id -> , :is_group_manager (optional) -> }.

  • id value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • is_superuser nullable boolean.

  • login_attributes nullable login attribute keys must be a keyword or string.

  • last_name nullable value must be a non-blank string.

PUT /api/user/:id/modal/:modal

Indicate that a user has been informed about the vast intricacies of ‘the’ Query Builder.


  • id value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • modal

PUT /api/user/:id/password

Update a user’s password.


  • id value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • password password is too common.

  • old_password

  • request

PUT /api/user/:id/reactivate

Reactivate user at :id.

You must be a superuser to do this.


  • id value must be an integer greater than zero.

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