These are the docs for the Metabase master branch. Some features documented here may not yet be available in the latest release. Check out the docs for the latest version, Metabase v0.49.


API endpoints for Setup.

GET /api/setup/admin_checklist

Return various “admin checklist” steps and whether they’ve been completed. You must be a superuser to see this!

GET /api/setup/user_defaults

Returns object containing default user details for initial setup, if configured, and if the provided token value matches the token in the configuration value.


  • token

POST /api/setup/

Special endpoint for creating the first user during setup. This endpoint both creates the user AND logs them in and returns a session ID. This endpoint can also be used to add a database, create and invite a second admin, and/or set specific settings from the setup flow.


  • engine

  • schedules nullable :metabase.sync.schedules/ExpandedSchedulesMap

  • allow_tracking nullable boolean, or value must be a valid boolean string (‘true’ or ‘false’).

  • invited_last_name nullable value must be a non-blank string.

  • site_locale nullable String must be a valid two-letter ISO language or language-country code e.g. en or en_US.

  • email value must be a valid email address.

  • first_name nullable value must be a non-blank string.

  • request

  • auto_run_queries nullable boolean

  • password password is too common.

  • name

  • invited_email nullable value must be a valid email address.

  • invited_first_name nullable value must be a non-blank string.

  • site_name value must be a non-blank string.

  • token Token does not match the setup token.

  • details

  • database

  • last_name nullable value must be a non-blank string.

POST /api/setup/validate

Validate that we can connect to a database given a set of details.


  • engine value must be a valid database engine.

  • details

  • token Token does not match the setup token.

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