
API endpoints for Cache.

DELETE /api/cache/

Delete cache configurations.


  • model enum of root, database, dashboard, question.

  • model_id vector of value must be an integer greater than zero.

GET /api/cache/

Return cache configuration.


  • model vector of enum of root, database, dashboard, question.

  • collection nullable value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • id nullable value must be an integer greater than zero.

POST /api/cache/invalidate

Invalidate cache entries.

Use it like /api/cache/invalidate?database=1&dashboard=15 (any number of database/dashboard/question can be supplied).

&include=overrides controls whenever you want to invalidate cache for a specific cache configuration without touching all nested configurations, or you want your invalidation to trickle down to every card.


  • include All cache configuration overrides should invalidate cache too.

  • database A database id.

  • dashboard A dashboard id.

  • question A question id.

PUT /api/cache/

Store cache configuration.


  • model enum of root, database, dashboard, question.

  • model_id value must be an integer greater than zero.

  • strategy map where {:type -> <enum of :nocache, :ttl>}, and one of <:nocache = map where {:type -> } | :ttl = map where {:type -> <must equal :ttl>, :multiplier -> , :min_duration_ms -> } with no other keys> dispatched by :type.

  • config

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