How Mooddie can help

Digital Data & Data Science. Effective data management is essential for any organization looking to stay competitive in today’s digital market, where substantial volumes of data are produced. We focus on utilizing new ideas and building predictive models to maximize the value of your data, providing valuable insights and making better business decisions.

IT Strategy & Architecture. We provide consulting services to help companies develop an effective and sustainable IT strategy, while also providing technical training to their IT staff. This aligns with their organizational goals and culture, while also considering the capabilities and needs of our technology partners.

Analytics Platform. Our user-friendly, end-to-end lifecycle analytics solution meets the needs of companies, providing access to intuitive indicators and dashboards that are easy to explore further and controlled by organizational rules. Additionally, we offer embedded functionality to place analytics capabilities within company applications.

Automation Services. Optimize your processes, increase efficiency, and reduce costs by automating technical tasks that are currently done manually. This will free up valuable resources for more strategic work.

Mobile Solutions. Take advantage of the advanced capabilities of mobile devices to offer a new level of accessibility and engagement for information access. This improves productivity and customer satisfaction. We use recent frameworks for fast and multiplatform development (Android, iOS, and Windows Phone) which make the maintenance of these apps simpler and less expensive.

Functional and Business Consulting. We offer a wide range of functional and business expertise that provides advice to support your organization’s strategic projects aligned with technology.

Como a Mooddie pode ajudar

Digital Data. Novas ideias e formas de tratar os dados. Pretende-se obter o máximo dos dados da organização e neste sentido, a nossa estratégia passa pela “reciclagem” dos dados já existentes na organização através de novas leituras e cruzamentos que permitam obter novos indicadores, KPI’s Dashboards que adicionem valor na tomada da decisão. Aplicamos uma abordagem end-to-end que inclui processos ETL, algoritmos (categorização/classificação, clustering, topic modeling, near-duplicate detection), extracção de informação, análises de sentimentos, pesquisas, análise de tendências e, por último, a apresentação da informação de forma gráfica e muito fácil de interpretar.

IT Strategy & Architecture. Definição e implementação da estratégia de IT de uma organização de forma a que a mesma atinja de forma eficaz, os objetivos definidos na sua estratégia global. Temos conhecimentos técnicos e ferramentas para poder apoiar os nossos clientes na definição de arquiteturas e na preparação de equipas internas do Cliente, para criação de boas práticas no desenvolvimento de software in-house.

Analytics Platform. No seguimento do que apresentamos no Digital Data, a Mooddie tem uma nova forma de disponibilizar os dados da sua organização, de forma organizada, intuitiva assegurando toda a rastreabilidade de quem, como e quando se acedeu a determinado indicador e/ou dashboard.

Robots & Automation. A Mooddie tem a capacidade de automatizar tarefas através de robots inteligentes que analisam determinadas situações e reportam sempre que se identifique algum risco. Em determinados casos, os robots poderão proceder a um plano de mitigação de forma a evitar cenários de desastre.

Mobile. A Mooddie tem experiência na definição de storyboars para aplicações mobile e na implementação das mesmas. A utilização de frameworks recentes permitem um desenvolvimento rápido e multiplataforma (Android, iOS e Windows Phone) que tornam a manutenção destas apps mais simples e menos dispendiosas.

Functional and Business Consulting. A Mooddie tem profissionais experientes na área da consultoria funcional e apoio ao negócio que juntamente com as equipas do cliente dedicadas à operação, garantem processos e procedimentos eficientes, formações especializadas, celeridade nas respostas ao negócio, potencializando vantagens competitivas internas e externas, bem como uma melhoria constante na qualidade do serviço prestado e agregação de valor para organização.

About Mooddie

Mooddie is a technology and data consultancy agency based in Lisbon, Portugal, that specializes in delivering innovative data management solutions, designing efficient IT strategies and architectures supported by AGILE methodology CI/CD and DevOps, developing intuitive analytics platforms, automating processes, and providing functional and IT business consulting service.

Clients' reviews

António Ferreira, IT Director of APSS

We were not previously familiar with Metabase, but when the team at Mooddie Digital Data presented us with the opportunity to create a proof of concept (POC) for a set of operational reports and dashboards for our department, we were excited to take on the challenge. Our previous experiences with Mooddie Digital Data had been positive, and their reputation for expertise and skill gave us confidence in their ability to deliver a successful POC for our IT team at APSS. One of the major advantages of Metabase is its ability to connect to multiple data sources and keep the data updated in real-time. The dashboards created on Metabase are interactive and easy to use, allowing for customization and configuration for different user groups. We found it very simple to share the information with others, and the platform also made it possible to free up internal IT team time, allowing them to focus on other projects, while at the same time allowing the business areas to make decisions based on reliable information. Metabase made it easy for users to work autonomously with the data. The results achieved were impressive, and we were pleased with the availability and support provided by Mooddie's team in training our internal IT team.

Claudio Pinto, IT Director of APS

Mooddie Digital Data has been working with APS IT team since the middle of 2022, using Metabase to build perceptive and interactive dashboards to visualize vessel operations information that is critical for our support operation teams. All dashboards created are accessible on PCs, tablets, and smartphones, and the tool's ability to display data in an intuitive and accessible way has made it possible to gain new insights and make data-driven operational decisions. The interactive elements have helped us to better understand our data and identify patterns that would have otherwise been missed, resulting in significant improvements. In summary, Metabase is extremely practical, easy to use, and its installation is simple.