How to Measure Static Code Analysis

Learn about Static Code Analysis, including how to measure it, and leverage it in dashboards and visualizations with Metabase.

What is Static Code Analysis?

Static code analysis is a metric that comes from the process of debugging code without having to run it. This is a security measure to ensure that code doesn’t have security vulnerabilities, and it can also be used to ensure code is compliant with code guidelines and industry standards. DevOps teams use static code analysis to discover problems with code early on in the process and fix it before it becomes an issue. It’s important to note that static code analysis does have its limitations as the testing run for static code analysis doesn’t have the ability to know a developer’s intent with specific pieces of code. It’s also possible to have false positives or negatives and some of the parameters you’d need for all static code aren’t easily enforceable if at all.

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How to calculate Static Code Analysis

Calculating your static code analysis happens when you run an analysis test. You’ll want to choose a test based on the programming language used, and if you’re in a regulated industry, choose a test that includes your industry’s standards. Although we mentioned a few of the downsides of static code analysis, there are still plenty of reasons to use it. Static code analysis is much faster than doing manual code reviews for example. You won’t have to spend a long time staring at code and reading through it to make sure it’s correct and it becomes easier to miss things the longer you look. In addition, you’ll get a deeper look at every possible code execution path. Static code analysis can help you improve your code quickly and easily if utilized correctly.

Other KPIs to measure related to Static Code Analysis

  • Machine Learning Performance
  • Production Incidents
  • Queue Time
  • Regressions Open/Closed
  • Release Burndown
  • Security Vulnerabilities
  • Service Line Health Impact
  • Soak Testing
  • Time to Patch

Why build a dashboard for Static Code Analysis?

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How to use Metabase to measure Static Code Analysis

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