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Want to provide a white labelled version of Metabase?

Sameer Al-Sakran
‧ 1 min read
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Since we’ve publicized our contact form, one of the most common requests has been to offer some form of a white labled version of Metabase. We listened and have built a version that we hope lets you combine the power, ease of use and ease of administration of Metabase with your own branded experience.
We’ll be running a beta program for this version of Metabase in September and October.
This beta period will be free for participants as we nail down pricing and exact scope of features. While taking part in the program is not a commitment to sign up for the paid version we will launch after the conclusion of the program, it is expected that you are actively interested in using a branded version of Metabase.
If you’re interested in joining the Beta program, please sign up here