Feb 05, 2018 in Releases

2 min read

Metabase 0.28

Text cards, CSVs in Pulses, multi-select filters

Kyle Doherty Portrait Kyle Doherty · Feb 05, 2018 · 2 min read
In this release

How’s 2018 been for you so far? Good we hope. It’s certainly been busy here at the proverbial Meta base, and as such we’ve got either an extremely early Valentine’s Day or an extremely late holiday gift for you. What we know for certain is we named it Metabase 0.28, and we think you’ll get along well with it.

Text with your dashboards

While a chart can say a lot, sometimes it needs a little help. That’s where you come in because you can now add text cards to dashboards. Use them to help explain a metric, organize a set of visualizations with a title, or explain why the numbers are down because the cat walked over the keyboard again. Since the cards are Markdown-based you can include links, pictures (or GIFs), bullet points — really anything you need to give the right context alongside your data.

Text cards

Pulse attachments

We know a bunch of you have workflows that require getting a table out of Metabase and into the hands of your team on a regular basis. Pulses now have your back. For any question you add to a pulse you can now attach the full result as a CSV or XLS file.

Pulse attachments

Multi-select dashboard filters

Ever needed to filter a dashboard by a specific state, for example, but wanted to include more than one state in that filter? Well, now you can. I guess you could say we’ve checked that box.

Leeloo Dallas multipass

Current period in time filters

In the past, to prevent showing partial data, when you’ve filtered data in Metabase by time using our query builder we’ve not included the current day, week, etc. But since that’s not always what you want, we added the option to include the current period if you need that in your charts or tables.

Performance improvements

As we’ve added new features over the past few years we’ve noticed and heard from you all that we’ve incurred some performance debt. We decided to pay some of that back this release by optimizing the sync process and API calls to use less memory. While we were rattling around under the hood we also decided to speed up all of our API responses a bit just for good measure.

Additional fixes

Per the usual, we’ve also done work on fixing various bugs, timezone or otherwise, in our perpetual quest to make Metabase run a little smoother. To see the full list of odds and ends, check out the release notes.

That’ll do it for us this time. We’ve got some exciting plans for 2018 so we’ll be seeing you all again soon.

You can download the new version of Metabase at metabase.com/start To upgrade, see the instructions for your platform. As always we strongly recommend backing up your application database before upgrading.

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