Activating your Metabase commercial license

The paid Pro and Enterprise editions of Metabase are distinct from the free Open Source edition and the Starter version of Metabase Cloud.

If you’re running on Metabase Cloud

If you’ve signed up for or upgraded to a Pro or Enterprise plan on Metabase Cloud, all of this will be taken care of for you.

If you’re self-hosting Metabase

To use your Pro/Enterprise features, you’ll need to do two things:

  • Download Metabase Enterprise Edition
  • Enter your license.

You can get a license by signing up for a free trial of the Pro or Enterprise edition plans, both of which can be self-hosted or hosted on Metabase Cloud.

Download the Enterprise edition

You’ll also need to set up a dedicated application database to store your Metabase data.

Enter your license

There are two ways to enter your license when self-hosting Metabase:

  • When Metabase is running: go to Settings > Admin settings, and click License and Billing in the lefthand sidebar. Paste in your license token under License and click Activate.


Upgrading from the open-source edition of Metabase

If you’ve been running the open-source edition of Metabase, you’ll need to change to the Enterprise Edition (that goes for both the Pro and Enterprise plans).

Assuming you’ve been using a production application database, you can simply swap out the OSS Docker image or JAR for the Enterprise Edition.

Upgrading to the Enterprise Edition will keep all of your questions, dashboards, people, settings — everything in your existing Metabase.

And don’t stress. You won’t lose any of your work, and if you get stuck, we’re here to help.

Validating your token

To validate your token and maintain access to Pro/Enterprise features, your Metabase needs to be able to access the Internet, specifically:[token-id]/v2/status

(substituting [token-id] with your token ID).

If your Metabase can’t validate the token, it’ll disable the Pro/Enterprise features, but will continue to work normally as if you were running the Open Source edition.

If you can’t expose your Metabase to the internet, talk to us about our air-gapped Metabase.

Routing outbound Metabase traffic through a proxy

In case you need to route outbound Metabase traffic through a proxy on your network, use the following command when starting Metabase:

java -Dhttps.proxyHost=[your proxy's hostname] -Dhttps.proxyPort=[your proxy's port] -jar enterprise_metabase.jar

Depending on your organization’s setup, you may need to take additional configuration steps. If the command above doesn’t work for you, we recommend reaching out to your internal infrastructure or dev ops teams for assistance.

IP addresses to whitelist

If you’re hosting Metabase behind a firewall that blocks outgoing connections, you must allow outbound stateful connections to port 443 on the all of the following IP addresses:

To verify your license with a token check to, your Metabase will make GET HTTP requests to these IP addresses and parse their responses. If you can’t allow outbound connections for security reasons, please contact us.

Note about Zscaler deployments

When Metabase is deployed inside infrastructure that uses Zscaler, you should do the following:

  1. Contact your networking team and let them know that Metabase will need to perform token checks in order for paid features to work. If you need an air-gapped version of Metabase, contact us.
  2. Make sure Zscaler isn’t acting as a proxy or DNS for the server where Metabase is running. Metabase needs a direct connection to the token check service without any gateway acting as a proxy.
  3. Make sure the server where Metabase is running isn’t using Zscaler root CA certificates for all websites. Otherwise, the Java virtual machine where Metabase runs will determine that the certificate authority is incorrect.

Read docs for other versions of Metabase.